Nude Pepper
In response to the past year's confinement within our personal domestic spheres, where external stimuli were limited, the kitchen emerged as a central arena for sensory engagement—touching, tasting, seeing, and smelling. Within this context, Nude Pepper seeks to provoke a multi-sensory experience that transcends the boundaries of traditional domesticity. Encircled by walls adorned with Nude Pepper wallpaper, viewers are invited to immerse themselves in an environment that challenges conventional perceptions of the kitchen. Here, amidst the familiar setting of chairs and a table, a custom-made scent of freshly cut green pepper permeates the air, stimulating olfactory senses and evoking memories of tactile sensations. This deliberate juxtaposition of sensory stimuli within the confines of a kitchen devoid of natural light, save for a solitary illumination, creates a paradoxical atmosphere reminiscent of a prison cell. The intentional contrast between the mundane familiarity of domesticity and the sensory overload induced by the space serves as a poignant commentary on the dichotomy between comfort and confinement, freedom and restriction. Nude Pepper thus becomes more than a mere installation—it becomes a visceral exploration of the human experience, inviting viewers to confront their perceptions of space, sensory engagement, and the psychological impact of confinement within the domestic realm.